Navigating the App |
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Navigating the app is the only app of its kind allowing credentialed clinicians to anonymously trade call assignments, reducing burnout and creating an opportunity for a secondary income source. Learning to navigate the app is as easy as a parrot learning to fly. 

Create your membership profile

Create your membership profile. Include your first name, middle initial, last name, email address, cell phone number, role (Physician vs. Hospital Administration) and the referral source.


Select the hospital(s) where you are credentialed. If you don't see any hospitals where you are credentialed, follow the link to request for your hospital to be added.


Add your credentials including your NPI number, specialty and password for your membership profile.


Download the app

Search in the app store and download the app for free. 


Open the app and begin by creating your profile.


What can a pod member do?

Post call shifts so other credentialed members can view the shift and check their availability.


A clinician who has the time and wants the additional income will claim the call shift. Legally and physically, the shift is off your schedule. 



A secondary income source for clinicians

Search call assignments on days you have time and are looking to make a little extra money.


When you see a call shift that is attractive to you (matches your schedule and payment is agreeable), simply press "Claim Shift" and that call assignment is yours.


Contact the respective hospital control desk and let them know about your new call assignment.


Submit your signature via the app to verify that you'll assume responsibility for the call assignment.


Clinicians can sell call shifts they need off of their schedule 

Add the call assignment(s)you want to be covered. List all of the call assignment details including the date(s), times, hospital, specialty and the price you're willing to pay another physician to take the assignment. members credentialed at the hospital where your shift was posted are notified.


You will receive a notification when your posted call assignment has been picked up. All transactions are completed through Stripe. Please allow 3-5 business days to be paid. 

Join the community. Become a pod member.

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